Hello everyone! Its been many years since I've been on here sharing my creative side and my life. Well a lot has changed. My kids are now 15, 13, and 11. They are growing up to be wonderful human beings with strong personalities! I thought they were getting that from their father but my dad was here to visit this Christmas and he told me it was most likely me!! lol I have moved from the beautiful Kelowna,BC to Grande Prairie Alberta. I started working with my hubby doing drywall, now that's a hard job!! It keeps us busy and pays the bills. Rob (hubby) he really enjoys doing it so if i could help him, I'm willing to do it.. He has supported me so much through these years that's the least i could do!
WARNING.... This is when it gets sappy and some of you might not want to read this......
Some of you will remember me telling you about my mom and how she was in remission from cancer for many years and then had kidney failure and had to be on dialysis for the rest of her life. She was doing great for many years. Three years ago i got a call from my dad saying that i needed to fly home, moms remission was no longer remission. She had been getting ill again for a month or so. She finally went in to see what was going on. After a month in the hospital waiting for answers from her bone marrow tests, she got fluid on her lungs by this point. The Doctors told her that she had leukemia. That there was nothing else that they could do for her no treatments, dialysis would stop working soon too. My mom made the hardest decision of her life (in my opinion) that she would stop all treatments at the end of the week. I landed on the Friday, Sent that night beside her at home. That's what her last request was to be at home so dad with the help of the nurses made that happen. So i got to sit there and talk to her, she couldn't really talk back to me cause it hurt too bad. the next day, Saturday, was one of the worst days. I wish i could have just helped her so much more than what i did, all she did all day was ask for help and there was nothing that anyone of us that could have done. The next morning the nurse woke me up and told me it was getting close, she stopped asking for help, it was like she wasn't there anymore. I went over to her side and read her the letter that my kids made her before i left. I told her that i loved her so much and that she was the best mom that i could have ever ask for. Told her it was OK, that we would be all OK and not to be afraid. Fifteen minutes later (time to wake dad up and get brother here) she past away. My mom The best woman i have ever known, my best friend was gone. Still to this day I sit here and think would she approve of this, or what would mom say if i were to get her advice. You might ask me why did you tell all of us this, yes most of it could have stayed private but this is the way i am healing. I feel much better when i talk about it, i hurts a lot too but i need to get through that part.
Alright.... enough of the sappy....
I'm actually starting to craft again!! I;m doing crafts after school with the kids from my kids school. I'm also doing card workshops. When i do have a moment i will be posting what we did at craft club as well as my workshops. I'll try to work on this blog too so it looks a little better that it does now! I will talk to you all another day need to go to work.
My New Favorite
3 days ago