Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So sorry!

Good morning ladies.  I told you in my last post that i was going to create some cards or something with my left overs of the Miracle kit... well i didnt' have anytime on the weekend so it didnt' get done.  On Saturday i was cleaning all day, beacuase we were having people over to watch the UFC fight.  On Sunday i had to deal with my kids and punish them beacuse my son decided to be a hair dresser.  This is what their hair looked like afterwards.  My daughter Chloe, (the one with the long hair) got over a foot choped off, her hair was touching her bum.  Emma well he hair, well what she had of hair got cut off. Later after they wake up i'm going to take pictures of their hair cuts they got last night to "fix" and i'll post.  So tongiht i will be going to a workshop help by a fellow consultant, I figured that i could get done the projects that i wanted to do this weekend.  I'll keep you posted on how that goes.  Hope everyone has a great day.   SORRY ABOUT THE SIDEWAYS PICTURES I FORGOT TO CHANGE THEM BEFORE I UPLOADED, BUT NOW DO NOT HAVE TIME TO FIX!

1 comment:

kate blue said...

OMG-I hate to think of the punishment! A little boy did that to my daughter at daycare when she was 3 or so-fortunately, he only cut a braid and she had so much hair that it was fixable, but this, I think my blood pressure would've gone up a notch!